I know I said that this wasn't going to be updated any more, but I decided that I'm not done with this blog just yet... In my new blog I had started to write about my my previous marriage. I feel that it fits better in this blog. From now on I'll be posting anything that has to do with the past in this one. I'll leave my new blog for my daily life.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Yesterday my mom and I went to our storage unit to organize it a little better and to get out our Christmas decorations and some more baby stuff. Before we went over to my unit I had my mom drive by Ron's old one. (He was supposed to be moved out last week.) The lock hadn't been cut yet! So my mom and I grabbed anything and everything we could. I'm so glad we went back there to look because I now have all of my kitchen stuff back as well as a lot of furniture that Ron and I had bought while we were married. Even if I don't keep everything I can still have a huge swap meet sale with it...

When we were done with that we went home and all took a nap. Ok, so me and C. took a nap. My mom stayed up talking on the phone for over an hour. She got something in the mail for my step dad. (He's working in Las Vegas at the moment.) It's a paper filed with the court saying there's a bench warrant out for his arrest because of unpaid child support! They want to put him in jail for a year! Now please don't jump to conclusions about this.... My step dad raised both of his kids up until they were 15 and 17. Then they decided they'd rather live with their mom because she let them get away with what ever they wanted to. Since living with her neither one graduated high school and they're now 21 and 19 going on 20. Long story short, their mother is one sneaky b****. Somehow my step dad owes her thousands and thousands of dollars... He'll be paying her $300 a month til the day he dies. Hopefully it all gets cleared up soon. The months they're talking about are months when he was out of work.... Which is why he's so far away from home working in Las Vegas! Ugh... I hate the court system sometimes.

Later that night my sister, her husband and my niece came over. Her husband just got laid off and my mom was helping him file for unemployment. (This economy SUCKS right now!) The whole time they were here C. wouldn't leave him alone. He kept bringing out all of his toys to show him and kept wanting him to pick him up. It was cute, but at the same time heartbreaking. He's craving some male attention! Attention that his daddy should be giving him, but he's not. Moms and grandma's just aren't the same as daddy's... We don't rough house or wrestle on the ground. We don't like watching football. We don't swing him around in the air... I really wish Ron would get his head out of the clouds and start spending every second he can with C. before he has to leave to SC.

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