Got a phone call from Ron on the 4th of this month. He called to let me know his number in Japan. Hmmm.... I'm pretty sure it says in our divorce papers that when you move or change your number you're supposed to inform the other parent within 48 hours. It had definitely been 2 months since he deployed to Japan. He claims to have tried to e-mail me when he first arrived. Sure you did.... My e-mail hasn't changed in the past 3 years. His hasn't changed his either so I decided to e-mail him some updates on the boys. I even sent him a picture of the boys that I took of them in July.
Why did I even bother?
I got no response. Not even a, 'thank for the picture." or "wow, they're getting so big!"
Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
A few days later that same picture ended up on New Wife's myspace page in a new album titled, "All Our Boys". I'm sorry, but that doesn't fly with me. You've never met my kids and probably never will. Please don't post pictures of my boys as if they're yours and you love and care about them. I was pretty upset when I saw it, but I wrote the nicest (well, in my opinion) e-mail to both my ex and New Wife.
The e-mail:
Hey Ron,
I'm writing to you about the picture I sent you the other day... I was wondering if you could ask New Wife (name changed to protect the innocent lol
) to please take it off of her myspace page. (If your mom has it up can you ask her to the same?) I sent that to you so you could see how big they were getting. I don't mind if you sent it to her to look at... you do what you want, but I'd rather not have the boys pictures up on other peoples pages. I know how you feel about posting crap on myspace and other sites like that. Thanks for understanding.
-TLol I guess that second to the last sentence is kinda funny considering the fact that here I am posting it for who ever to see on my blog. And maybe I shouldn't be so petty about things. A friend helped put things in perspective for me. They can do what they want with the pictures. They can say and do what they want on their Myspace of Facebook pages. I'm the one with the boys. I'm the one who gets the hugs and kisses everyday. I get to tuck them in at night knowing that their safe and sound with me.
Ok so call me petty. It still bugs me.
Oh did I mention that in her about me section she wrote something like, "
I'm 28 years old. I'm the mom of 5 boys and I'm married to the most wonderful man in the world. Life is best when I'm with him. Come home soon daddy!" Puke. So yeah apparently she has 5 boys... She's given birth to 2. She's including Tre, Ron's oldest who she's never met and MY 2 boys. Ok lady, keep living in your fantasy land. Do it while you can... before Ron moves on to New Wife #4 and leaves you in the dust. Just like he did to New Wife #1 (and son #1), New Wife #2 (me and son #2 & #3).
Anyway, mission accomplished. I got an e-mail back saying, "
Done and done. Anything else I can do for you ma'am." Ugh. Always the smartass. I thanked him and left it at that.
Haven't heard from him since.